External Resources

The Advance Project® recognises that clinicians working in aged and primary care play an important role in advance care planning and palliative care.

The Advance Project has developed a suite of tools and resources that can support you to initiate conversations about advance care planning and assess palliative care needs of people you are caring for in aged and primary care settings.

With the aim of further empowering those working in aged and primary care, we have developed a new suite of dementia specific resources. These resources are available on the Advance Project Resources page. There are also a range of other quality resources that support clinicians working in aged and primary care to further their knowledge and skills in this area, which include the following.

Additional Resources

  • End of Life Directions in Aged Care (ELDAC)
    ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians.
  • Dementia Support Australia (DSA)
    DSA is a partnership led by HammondCare. Dementia Support Australia provides individually tailored and practical support to help understand the reasons for changes in behaviour and address the needs of people living with dementia and their care networks.
  • Advance Care Planning Australia
    This website provides information for health professionals and for consumers and has information on advance care planning legislation for each state or territory.
  • Palliative Care Australia
    Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is the national peak body for palliative care. PCA has information for health professionals and consumers and a range of resources including a National Service Directory.
  • palliAGED
    There are a variety of resources to support health professionals including a smartphone app for nurses, palliAGEDnurse.
  • CareSearch
    CareSearch has a wide range of evidence-based palliative care resources and content. It includes a Nurses Section and a GP Section.
  • Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP)
    PACOP aims to systematically improve palliative and end of life care through routine assessment of residents’ needs and the collection of data to evaluate access to care based on assessed needs.
  • APNA
    Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is the peak professional body for nurses working in primary health care. It has information on General Practice Nursing and links to professional development activities.
  • PEPA
    The Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) provides free placements in palliative care services for practicing health professionals (2-5 days duration) including staff working in aged and primary care.
  • CareSearch Education pages
    The CareSearch Education pages will help all health professionals consider their palliative care educational needs and find learning options.
  • caring@home
    caring@home provides free resources for community service providers, health care professionals and carers to support carers to help manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines in home-based palliative patients.
  • End of life law for clinicians (ELLC)
    ELLC provides practical information and free online training modules to support health professionals to navigate the challenging legal issues that can arise with end-of-life decision-making. It offers a broad introduction to end-of-life laws in each Australian State and Territory.

Patient, Carer and Family Resources

  • CareSearch is a trustworthy source of online information written with you in mind. There is a specific community section on Older Australia.You can order factsheets and brochures from the website.
  • CarerHelp provides current and trustworthy advice and resources to help family members looking after someone coming to the end of their life.
  • Palliative Care Australia has a range of brochures that you can print. Some are available in different languages.
  • Advance Care Planning Australia. This website has information about advance care planning and how to record your wishes.
  • Dementia Australia has a wealth of information and resources, including factsheets and videos. Dementia Australia operates The National Dementia Helpline for people living with dementia, their carers, families and friends. The helpline operates from Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. You can call them on 1800 100 500.
  • Dementia Support Australia is a partnership led by HammondCare. Dementia Support Australia has a helpline for people living with dementia, their carers, families and friends. The helpline operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. You can call them on 1800 699 799.

Page last updated 10 October 2022